
What Do the New Opportunity Zone Regulations Mean for You?

Are you interested in investing in an Opportunity Zones Fund? Do you own property in an Opportunity Zone? On April 17, 2019, the IRS and Treasury issued the second set of proposed regulations under Internal Revenue Code, Section 1400Z-2,  Special Rules for Capital Gains Invested in Opportunity Zones.  These regulations provide taxpayers with guidance on how to potentially defer gains invested in a Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF), as well as rules for investments in a QOF held by a taxpayer for at least 10 years.

Our experts weigh in on the potential tax benefits of investing in an Opportunity Zone and discuss the latest round of regulations. View the one-hour webinar with Lisa Billings (Warren Averett Tax Member)  Chris Branch (Warren Averett tax team member named an Opportunity Zones Influencer by Opportunity Zones Magazine) and Grant Cardwell (Warren Averett Asset Management Member and Senior Client Consultant), as they provide insights on:

  • Misconceptions about the Opportunity Zones Program
  • How  to start and maintain a successful Opportunity Zone Fund or business
  • Key concepts that real estate developers and investors should know
  • How the second set of regulations have provided some clarity for operating businesses

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